Nuestro universo entero estaba caliente, denso e incandescente
Luego, hace casi catorce mil millones de años, comenzó la expansión
La tierra comenzó a enfriarse, los autótrofos comenzaron a babear
Los neandertales desarrollaron herramientas, construimos un muro (construimos las pirámides)
Matemáticas, ciencias, historia, develando los misterios
¡Todo comenzó con el Big Bang (¡bang!)
Desde el despertar del hombre, no ha pasado tanto tiempo
Cada galaxia se formó en menos tiempo
Del necesario para cantar esta canción
Una fracción de segundo y los elementos fueron hechos
Los bípedos se enderezaron
Todos los dinosaurios conocieron su destino
Intentaron saltárselo, pero llegaron tarde
Y todos murieron (se congelaron)
Los océanos y Pangea
Ves, no querrías ser
Puesto en marcha por el mismo Big Bang
Todo comenzó con el Big Bang
Se está expandiendo siempre hacia afuera, pero un día
Pausará y comenzará a ir hacia otro lado
Colapsando siempre hacia adentro
No estaremos aquí, no se escuchará
Nuestra mejor y más brillante figura
Es que hará una explosión aún mayor
Los Australopithecus estarían hartos de nosotros
Debatiendo cómo seguimos aquí, ellos atrapaban venados (estamos atrapando virus)
Religión o astronomía, Descartes o Deuteronomio
¡Todo comenzó con el Big Bang!
Música y mitología
Einstein y astrología
¡Todo comenzó con el Big Bang!
¡Todo comenzó con el Big Bang!
Así es la introducción de cada capítulo de la premiada serie The Big Bang Theory en que un grupo de doctores y un magister viven las desaventuras de la vida amorosa, generando una amistad más allá de ellos cuatro con sus respectivas parejas. Estos personajes son el clásico estereotipo de nerds, fanáticos de los cómics y de clásicos del cine de ciencia ficción y aventura, tales como Indiana Jones, Volver al Futuro, y por supuesto Star Trek y Star Wars. En esta página se presentan los capítulos en donde se hace alusión de alguna manera a Star Wars.
¡Que los capítulos estén con ustedes!
Sheldon: I sense a disturbance in the force.
Leonard (imitando a Yoda): A bad feeling I have about this. Mm….
Acá hay un problema serio en la traducción para el doblaje.
En Inglés:
Sheldon: Just look. I’ve designed the perfect uniforms for our team.
The colors are based on Star Trek: The Original Series.
The three of you willl wear support red and I will wear command gold.
En audio español latino:
Sheldon: Sólo mira, ya diseñé el uniforme perfecto para el equipo.
Los colores son de La Guerra de las Galaxias, la original.
Ustedes tres usarán este feo rojo y yo usaré el de mando dorado.
Subtítulos español:
Sheldon: Mira. He diseñado el uniforme perfecto para nuestro equipo.
Los colores se basan en Viaje a las Estrellas.
Ustedes tres usarán rojo de apoyo y yo dorado comandante.
Rajesh: Three hundred- And I’lll thorw in my original 1979 Mattel Millennium Falcon with real light-speed sound effects.
Leonard: No. No more toys or action figures or props or replicas or costumes or robots or Darth Vader voice changers.
I’m getting rid of all of it.
Howard: You can’t do that. Llook what you’ve created here. Ir’s like Nerdvana.
Rajesh: More importantly, you have a Darth Vader voice changer?
Sheldon: Good morning, Leonard. We have to stop by Pottery Barn on the way to work. I bought these Star Wars sheets but. They turned out to be much too stimulating to be compatible with a good night’s sleep. I don’t like the way Darth Vader stares at me.
Sheldon: Yeah, I’m sorry, but I’m not going to watch the Clone Wars TV series
Until I’ve seen the Clone Wars movie.
I prefer to let Geroge Lucas disappoint me in the order he intended.
Rajesh: Yeah, you’re llike the Jar Jar Binks of the Hofstadter family.
Howard (as Jar Jar Binks): Oh, meesa think yousa llooking so, so sad.
Howard (still like Jar Jar): Next time, don’t youa bring mama to work, Okee-day?
Leonard (as Jar Jar Binks): Meesa thinking yousa looking pretty sad now too, betcha, betcha.
De nuevo el doblaje haciendo de las suyas…
Leonard: Okay, then we won’t touch the hard drive. We’ll just erase the first season of Battlestar.
Español (close Caption)
Leonard: Entonces que no toque el disco duro. Borra toda la temporada de Battlestar.
Español (audio latino)
Leonard: Entonces que no toque el disco duro. Borra la Guerra de Las Galaxias.
Sheldon: Oh, mimicry. I enjoy mimicry. I’ve been working on Admirall Ackbar from Return of the Jedi. It’s a trap!… You have to imagine me with a giant squid head… It’s a trap… It’s a trap… It’s a trap.
Y nuevamente el doblaje…
Pennie: What do we got going on tonight? Plating Halo? Watching Battlestar? Drop some Mentos in Diet Coke?
Leonard: You wanna watch Battlestar?
Español Latino
Pennie: ¿Y qué vamos a hacer ahora, eh? ¿Jugar Halo, ver La Guerra de Las Galaxias, comer pastel con refresco?
Leonard: ¿Verás la Guerra de las Galaxias?
Subtítulos español
Pennie: ¿Y qué planes tienen esta noche? ¿Jugar al Halo, ver Galáctica, comer pastel con refresco?
Leonard: ¿Quieres ver Galáctica?
Howard: Okay. Are you from Stgar Wars universe?
Leonard: Yes
Howard: Were you in the originall trillogy?
Leonard: Yes
Howard: Is there a picture of you in my wallet wearing a metal bikini?
Leonard: God, I hope not. No, I’m not Princess Leia.
Rajesh: Okay, my turn. Are you in all six Star Wars movies?
Leonard: Yes.
Rajesh: Interesting. Are you a droid?
Leonard: Yes.
Rajesh: Do you kind of look like a shiny Sheldon?
Leonard: Yes.
Rajesh: C3PO!
Leonard: Yo got it.
Sheldon: That’s preposterous. I do not resemble C3PO. Don’t get me wrong, I’m flattered, I just don’t see it.
Sheldon: Did Han Solo let Luke Skywallker freeze to death on the ice planet of Hoth? No, he cut open a tauntaun and used its internal body heat to warm him up.
Leonard: He came out of his room waering his Darth Vader helmet and tried to choke me to death with the Force, so I’d say a littlle better.
Luego Sheldon se siente en la mesa del frente en el casino en el minuto 11 y comienza a ahorcarlos a todos con la Fuerza, en que Rajesh empieza a sentirse ahorcado.
Sheldon: You’re holding two moderate spell cards, a Small Rock and a Potion of Zancor which will be about as much help as an air conditioner on the ice planet Hoth.
Katee Sackhoff (Starbucks): No, I wanna know whay you’re playing make-believe with me when you could be out with a real woman tonight.
Howard: Yo mean Bernadette?
Katee Sackhoff (Starbucks): No, I mean Princess Leia. Of course I mean Bernadette.
Rajesh entra a la tienda de cómics con una polera que tiene un parlante y la activa tocando la Marcha Imperial (al fondo se ve un póster de un stormtrooper).
Penny: Do or do not. There is no try.
Leonard: Did you just quote Star Wars?
Penny: I believe I quoted Empire strikes Back.
Leonard: Oh, my God. I’m lting in bed with a beatiful woman who can quote Yoda.
Sheldon y el resto juega bolos en competencia con Will Wheaton, quien personificó a Wesley Crusher en la serie Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Sheldon: I so loathe you.
Will Wheaton: That’s right, Sheldon. Embrace the dark side.
Sheldon: That’s not even from your franchise!
Howard: I say we just take him to Tatooine and sell him to some Jawas.
Leonard: Anyway, I’m not sure she’s the best fit for our littlle– how should we calll it– rebel allliance.
Sheldon: Oh, I never identified with the rebel alliance. Despite their tendency to builld Death Stars, I’ve always been more of an empire man.
Sheldon: Yes, well, if we lived in a world where slow-moving xenon produced light, then you’d be correct. Also, pigs would fly, my derriere would produce cotton candy, and The Phantom Menace would be a timeless classic.
Leonard: Okay, fine, I’m a horrible human being. I’m the Darth Vader of Pasadena.
Sheldon: You’re far too short to be Darth Vader. At best you might be a turncoat Ewok.
Wil Wheaton: Hey, look who’s here! Hey, buddies!
Sheldon: Well, if it isn’t Wil Wheaton, the Jar Jar Binks of the Star Trek universe.
Wil Wheaton (como Jar Jar): Mee-sa thjink that very funny!
Hablando a un tipo del cine…
Wil Wheaton: Do you think you could get me and my friends into the movie? We got here a little late.
Tipo del cine: No problem. Come on, I’ll hook you up.
Wil Wheaton: Awesome. (como Jar Jar): We-sa gonna go into the movie now! Bye-bye!
Sheldon: This is Indiana Jones, not Star Trek.
Sheldon: I didn’t want to teach those poopy heads, anyway.
Howard: FYI, I think that’s what Darth Vader said just before he started building the Death Star.
Sheldon: Oh, of course you would have to believe that. Evil always thinks it’s doing right. Excuse me, Stormtrooper these are the droid you’re looking for.
Leonard: I’m going to a party. I’m not turning R2-D2 and C-3PO over to the empire!
Sheldon: This on a night that I had originally designated for solving the space-time geometry in higher-spin gravity and building my Lego Death Star.
Más tarde, en el minuto 15:34 aparece Sheldon armando la Estrella de la Muerte.
Penny: So what are you and Professor Fussyface up to tonight?
Leonard: “Star Wars” on Blu-ray.
Penny: Haven’t you seen that movie, like, a thousand times?
Leonard: Not on Blu-ray. Only twice on Blu-ray.
Instalados para ver la película, Rajesh y Howard
Rajesh: Come on, Sheldon, “Star Wars.”
Howard: I’m pushing play. I mean it. If we don’t start soon, George Lucas is gonna change it again.
Sheldon está viendo Star Wars, se escuchan sonidos de sable láser que se encuadran con los sonidos de la urraca azul a la que le tiene fobia.
Aparece Sheldon con un casco de Boba Fett y una escoba espantando a la urraca azul que está fuera de su ventana.
Sheldon: What? Candles? During a blaqckout? Are you mad? That’s a fire hazard. No, Pasadena Water and Power recommends the far safer glow stick.
Sheldon saca una pequeña barra lumínica fosforecente de color verde
Acto seguido, Leonard sale del clóset con un sable láser de Luke de color verde.
Leonard: You call that a glow stick? … That is a glow stick.
Rajesh: Hey, want to spend some time playing the new Star Wars game this weekend?
Howard: Forty-eight hours of Star Wars gaming.
Rajesh: It’s on like Alderaan.
Leonard: Hey, Shaldon, clear your weekend. Starting Saturday morning Star Wars marathon.
Sheldon: Yeah, weel, but, who wants to spend the whole weekend running around a bunch of pretend planets battling made up monsters. That’s for babies.
Howard: Yeah, but it’s got lightsabers.
Sheldon: Yeah, please, Amy! It’s got lightsabers!
Sheldon: Gentlemen, the game offers us a choice between playing for the Republic and the light side or the Sith Empire and the dark side.
Leonard: Raj, Imperial Troopers on your tail.
Rajesh: Got him, when Gandhi advocated his philosophy of non-violence I bet he did’nt know hoy much fun it was killing stuff.
Amy: That’d be my boyfriend… happier playing his dopey Star Trek game
—with his friends than hanging out with me.
Penny: Wars.
Amy: What?
Penny: Star Wars. They get all cranky when you mix the two up.
Amy: What’s the difference?
Penny: There’s absolutely no difference!
Sheldon luego de contar que se había disfrazado de Stepehn Hawking para un halloween.
Sheldon: No, sir, no. I took my dad’s desk chair attached a Speak & Spell to it and made my sister push me up and down the block to trick or treat. Granted most people thought I was R2-D2 but still, I got a lot of candy.
Leonard y Penny están jugando con gas para cambiar la voz a más grave.
Penny: Okay. Me, me, me. Ready? Leonard, I’m your father.
Stuart: Coffe liqueur in a Chewbacca mug. I call it a sad-tini
Rajesh: Perfect for the night I’m having, thank you.
Luego Stuart sirve más trago en un mug de Yoda.
Sheldon y Penny dan vueltas cada uno sobre un sable láser. Sheldon está girando sobre el de Anakin, mientras que Penny lo hace sobre el de Vader. Ambos de la edición con luz retractil de hasbro
Sheldon: Now imagine this, you and I entering Stuart’s party and all eyes turn to see America’s most beloved and glamorous couple.
Ammy: Yeah?
Sheldon: R2-D2 and C-3PO! Dibs on 3PO.
Sheldon aparece en la fiesta de Halloween con un traje que hace referencia clara a C-3PO.
Ammy: I’m Raggedy Ann, and he’s Raggedy C-3PO.
Aparece un juego de baile con la música de YMCA en que bailan Boba Fett acompañado de dos Stromtroopers en una especia de cantina de episodio II en que están también unos Twi Lek, C-3PO y R2-D2.
Los que bailan el juego son Howard y Rajesh.
Sheldon con las manos en la cabeza, como meditando…
Sheldon: Play. Play. Play. Play. Play
Leonard: What are you doing?
Sheldon: Trying yo use a Jedi mind trick to control Stephen Hawking.
Discuten y Leonard se va de la habitación… Sheldon nuevamente con las manos en la cabeza.
Sheldon: Leonard, come back. Leonard, come back. Leonard, come back.
Leonard vuelve…
Leonard: What?
Sheldon: Oh, of course. It only works on the weak-minded.
Se escucha la Marcha Imperial a lo lejos, el tema de Darth Vader, que lo tiene puesto Sheldon porque está molesto.
Ammy: We stay here, order a pizza and watch one of your beloved Star War Trek things.
Leonard: With all the TV Sheldon was talking about. I had the greatest idea ever. It even blows away my idea for a “Star Wars” themed coffe shop called Brewbacca’s
Howard saca el regalo de Rajesh y es una ebilla en forma de sable láser de Anakin Jedi.
Rajesh: It’s a lightsaber belt buckle.
Howard: Wow, this is so cool, Thanks.
Rajesh: Oh… it gets better.
Rajesh prende el sable de la hebilla e imita el sonido de un sable láser en movimiento.
Howard ríe y dice Wow!
Rajesh: And that’s not even the best part. See? I have one, too.
Muestra una hebilla con el sable de Vader encendido.
Rajesh: Check it out. You can wear yours and we can have little sword fights whenever we want.
Rajesh comienza a balancearse moviendo el sable e imitando su sonido…
Todos están armando el árbol de Navidad sin Sheldon, por lo que no hay reglas.
Rajesh: Wait, so Star Wars and Star Trek characters can go on the same branch?
Leonard: I know, it’s crazy.
Ammy: I missed you.
Sheldon: To quote Han Solo, “I know.”
Leonard: And to show you how much I believe in you, I kind of got you an audition.
Penny: Are you serious? For what?
Leonard: The new Star Wars movie.
Penny: Really, let it go.
Leonard: Look, maybe it is a long shot, but sometimes long shots happen. Luke Skywalker was only given one chance to destroy the Death Star. He had to get a torpedo into an exhaust port that was only two meters wide, but with the help of The Force, he… Wow, I can feel you hating me right now.
Howard está con una bata de baño con el logo de la Antigua República.
Howard: Star Wars audition, take one… starring Howard Joel Wolowitz, real-life astronaut. Vader is here… now… on this moon. I felt his presence. He’s come for me. He can feel when I’m near…
Leonard: How did she get you to do yoga?
Sheldon: Well, to be honest, I thought she said “Yoda”.
Sheldon con Leonard organizando una convención de fanáticos
Sheldon: I need you to call Stan Lee, Leonard Nimoy and Bill Nye the Science Guy… ’cause, legally, I’m not allowed to. Oh, and, also, Carrie Fisher, you know, ’cause I hear she can be pretty nuts.
Sheldon: I don’t think that will be necessary for Mr. James Earl Jones. You heard me. The voice of Darth Vader, the Lion King’s dad, and FYI, the guy who says, “This is CNN.” Which also sounds like Darth Vader.
Howard: And that’s where Darth Vader’s gonna pour soay sauce on your head.
Sheldon se va de la habitación tatareando la Marcha Imperial.
James: Let me guess. You like Star Wars.
Sheldon asienta con la cabeza.
James: You know, I’ve been in other movies.
Sheldon asienta con la cabeza.
James: But you don’t care about those, do you?
Sheldon niega con la cabeza.
James: I have one thing to say too people like you… I like Star Wars, too! Care to join me?
Sheldon: Oh, thank you.
James: You know, when I first read the script for Empire Strikes Back and Darth Vader told Luke he was his father… I thought for sure he was lying.
Sheldon: Me, too! But he wasn’t, was he?
James: He was not. How messed up was that?!
Sheldon: So messed up.
James: What do you say let’s go have some fun? My wife’s in New York, and I got a Lion King residual check burning a hole in my pocket.
Sheldon: Is it true they used scuba gear to create the sound of Darth Vader breathing?
James: They sure did.
Sheldon: Hey, Los Angeles! I’m on a Ferris wheel with Darth Vader! And he’s nicer than you think!
James: I am!
Sheldon: Whose house is this?
James: Carrie Fisher. And she’s a little crazy, so get ready to run.
Tocan el timbre y salen corriendo… luego sale Carrie con un bate de beisbol y enojada.
Carrie: It’s not funny anymore, James!
James (a lo lejos): Then why am I laughing!?
Howard: I’m going to the Lego store to get a big-ass R2-D2
Sheldon: Ten years ago, upon first seeing me, your husband claimed that I looked like C-3PO and Pee-wee Herman. And he called me C3P-wee Herman.
Sheldon: Gentlemen, Star Wars day is rapidly approaching. We should finalize our plans.
Penny: What? That’s a real thing? What is it, Star Wars Christmas?
Howard: No. Don’t be ridiculous. That’s Wookiee Life Day.
Penny: So, when is it?
Leonard: Uh, well, it’s not May the fifth… and it’s not May the third… It’s May the fourth
Sheldon: Get it?
Rajesh: May the fourth be with you?
Leonard: “may the force be with you”. Get it?
Penny: Oh, no. This face wasn’t because I didn’t get it.
Sheldon: I’m working on the Star Wars Day schedule. Now, I have a window built in after Phantom Menace, for complaining, but I’m worried an hour won’t be enough time.
Sheldon: But, that’s Star Wars Day.
Sheldon: I’ll be at home celebrating Star Wars Day, as planned.
Rajesh y Sheldon visten una polera de Star Wars, Rajesh además tiene un delantal de Star Wars. Howard viste una polera con el traje de Boba Fett. Sheldon revisa la caja de bluray con las 6 películas existentes a la fecha.
Rajesh: Hey, Penny. Happy Star Wars Day.
Penny: Okay.
Rajesh: Can I make you breakfast? Admiral Ackbar’s Snack Bar is open for business.
Howard: We have R2-Decaf. Maybe a nice Café Au Leia?
Rajesh: … I can always make you a Chai Tea-3PO.
Penny: Oh, get it– like C-3PO.
Sheldon: When Darth Vader struck down Obi-Wan, did Luke cry like a baby and go to his funeral?
Penny: Nop, He blew up the Death Star. Why do I know this?!
Sheldon: “Enjoy Star Wars Day.”
Rajesh: Before you go, at least let me pack you some Attack of the Scones for the road.
Penny: Oh, like Attack of the Clones.
Bernadette: Although, it might’ve been thoughless of us to bake a Death Star cake.
Ammy: No, it combines two of Sheldon’s favorite things: chocolate chips and the ability to destroy a planet at the push of a button.
Sheldon: Ok, here we go. Episode I– The Phantom Menace.
Rajesh: Let’s get this over with.
Howard: Since we all agree Episode I isn’t our favorite, maybe we just skip it this time.
Sheldon: Yeah, Howard, I think you of all people should avoid espousing the principle that if something is not our favorite we should just get rid of it.
Rajesh: You know, I heard this way of watching the movies called the Machete Order, where you watch Episodes IV and V, then skip Episode I, watch II and III as a flashback, and then finish with VI.
Howard: Okay, so you’d lose most of Jar Jar, all the trade route talk, and boring senate hearings, which are like watching C-SPAN with monsters.
Sheldon: Get rid of the trade route part? Then how would Palpatine get Chancellor Valorum kicked out of office? How would he get himself elected? How? Can we get through one holiday without you saying something ridiculous?
Rajesh: It was just a suggestion.
Howard: Well, at least without Sheldon here, we got to start with Episode IV.
Rajesh: Em, sure. I do feel guilty about him.
Howard: Me too.
Rajesh: Maybe we should see how he’s doing.
Howard: Yeah.
Rajesh: Buy after the cantina scene.
Howard: Obviously.
Empieza la música de la cantina y ambos “bailan” en sus asientos.
Sheldon está soñando y el profesor Protón (recientemente muerto) lo vino a ver al departamento
Sheldon: I know why. You’ve come to me because you’re my Obi-Wan.
Sheldon: Obi-Wan Kenobi is a character from Star Wars. After his physical demise, he comes to Luke Skywalker as his mentor in spirit form.
Luego de esto, el profesor Protón aparece vestido de Obi Wan y como un espíritu, con el halo azul.
Sheldon: Those are your Jedi robes.
El profesor Protón toma su sable (que no sabe lo que es) y lo enciende.
Sheldon sigue soñando. Está en Dagobah y el profesor Protón sigue como espíritu vistiendo las ropas de Kenobi.
Professor: Where… where… where are we?
Sheldon: This is the swampland of Dagobah. It’s where Luke was trained in the ways of the Jedi.
Professor: Oh. Too bad. I thought it was Florida.
Sheldon: When Obi-Wan came to Luke on this very spot, he gave him all sorts of helpful advice…
Leonard: Hey, the guys are about to start Jedi. You want to go watch?
Howard: Boy, some of the physical comedy with Jar Jar is a little tough to watch.
Leonard: At least they toned him down in the second one.
Penny: Yeah, he is pretty stupid.
Rajesh: Hey, we can say it. You can’t.
Amy: Hey, guys.
Bernadette: Happy Star Wars Day! (con una torta que parece ser la Estrella de la Muerte)
Sheldon: Wow! A Death Star Cake!
Amy: Yeah. We were hoping it might cheer you up.
Bernadette: And even though it meant we had to miss the movies, we could still be part of the fun.
Todos los muchachos duermen en el living, mientras la película se presenta.
Aparece el profesor Protón vestido de Obi-Wan y como espíritu.
Professor: … you fell asleep watching Star Wars, and now you’re dreaming you’re watching Star Wars.
Sheldon: So?
Professor: I mean, don’t you see a problem there? I mean, how you’re spending you limited time on Earth?
Sheldon: Not at all.
Professor: Okay, good luck to you.
Penny: You taught him well, Padawan.
Sheldon: God Lord! Padawan’s the student, not the teacher.
Sheldon: No, I sent Leonard in with a pointly stick and a bag.
Leonard: I killed his Chewbacca slippers.
So I found this fencing school in Burbank that has a Jedi class.
Amy: Oh, my favorite– George Luces can talk all the way throughg Star Wars, I say one word and I’m banished to the kitchen.
Se escucha la respiración de Darth Vader, la risa del Guasón y el rugido de Godzilla mientras Sheldon trabaja
Leonard: What is going on?
Sheldon: Oh. Uh, I need to keep my anxiety at the right level, so I’m using Darth Vader, The Joker, and Godzilla’s roar to keep me in that sweet spot.
Sheldon: You know, we won’t be very far from Skywalker Ranch.
Leonard: Oh, that’s true. It’s not like we can get in there.
Sheldon: Why not?
Leonard: I don’t think George Lucas put his headquarters in the middle of nowhere because he wanted people dropping in.
Sheldon: Yoda’s swamp was in the middle of nowhere. Tatooine was in the middle of nowhere. Hoth was in the middle of nowhere. That’s code, Leonard. He wants us to drop in.
Se encuentran en la entrada de Skywalker Ranch
Leonard: …but we’re, like, crazy-big fans. I mean crazy for Star Wars crazy…
Sheldon: …We want to meet George Lucas and become his friends and play with him!
Sheldon: What if I told you that I was the voice of Yoda?
(imitando a Yoda) A recording session I must attend.
Sheldon se baja del auto y lo agarra seguridad.
Ambos se encuentran en una oficina de seguridad…
Leonard: Maybe the’ll call Imperial Officers to take us to a holding cell on the Death Star.
Sheldon: Oh, I think that’s below the pay grade of an Imperial Officer. Stormtroopers are really the ones who…
Extraño: He’s right. Uh, Stormtroopers actually combine both the function of infantry and military police.
Extraño: Oh, I, uh, I hopped a fence, and they caught me in the sculpture gallery making out with a Chewbacca statue.
Guard: I have to take your picture to post at the guard gate.
Sheldon: Oh, One question about the picture. Can it be with George Lucas?
Guardia ni siquiera sonríe…
Sheldon imitando a Yoda: Ooh, grumpy you are.
Leonard: Yes, we missed our lecture, we were almost arrested, and you got me locked in a room with a man who forced his tongue down the throat of a stuffed Wookie
Leonard: …I looked through a door and I’m pretty sure I saw a display case with the Ark of the Covenant.
Sheldon: That’s amazing.
Leonard: I know.
Sheldon: And I saw Jabba the Hutt riding by on a motorcycle.
Leonard: What about when we went to Comic-Con and dressed like Jabba the Hutt? You got to be Jabba’s head, and I got to be his fat slug butt.
Sheldon: We looked great.
Leonard: Yo let a gauy sit on me.
Howard: He was dressed as Princess Leia. It made a nice picture.
Penny: Leonard, what time does your mom’s plane get in?
Leonard: I don’t know– some time tomorrow morning.
Penny: Don’t you want to know for sure?
Leonard: No need to. As soon as she flies into California airspace, I’ll feel a disturbance in the Force.
Físico: Gentleman, welcome to the fencing club. Before we start, I just want to warn you, fencing isn’t a joke. I hope you’re not here because yo think it’s going to be like Star Wars.
Rajesh: My name is Little Orphan Annie. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
Howard: My name is Darth Vader. I am your father. Ah! Prepare to die.
Penny leyendo el diario de Leonard: “O.M.G. O.M.G We ‘re so close to the new Star Wars. I can’t take it. Gah”
Leonard: … The new Star Wars is coming. Gah!
El capítulo trata sobre el estreno del episodio VII de la saga de Star Wars, por lo que el capítulo completo tiene referencias y temas asociados a la saga. Incluso inicia como un episodio de la saga.
En el capítulo vuelve el doctor Protón como un espíritu de Jedi y vestido de Obi-Wan.
Penny: How can I not sound like his mother when our entire bedroom is filled with Star Wars toys? I mean, have you ever had sex with stuffed Wookie watching you?
Sheldon: No at all. In Star Wars, when the stormtroopers would march in perfect formation, harassing civilians, didn’t you ever think, “Hey, taht could be me”?
Colonel Williams: Look, guys, it’s just a guidance system. It’s not like you’re handing us the Death Star from Star Trek.
Rajesh: He doesn’t just look like C-3PO, now he walks like him.
Penny: I just think it’ll make Leonard happy. And if have to watch him squeeze into an Ewok costume, so be it.
Amy: Look at yo, going to Comic-Con, talking about Ewoks. I really have become the cool one around here.
Sheldon: You thought Phantom Menace was “not half bad”.
Sheldon: Don’t be silly. My voice is deep and sonorous. Like a Caucasian James Earl Jones. “Luke, I am your father.” See?
Leonard: Hey. That’s an Ewok and it’s mine.
Penny: Yeah, which is why it’s okay.
Sheldon: See, he gets Ewoks in his bed.
Amy: You’ve got Chewbacca; that’s enough.
Sheldon tiene un nuevo sueño en que se le aparece el doctor Proton vestido de Obi-Wan Kenobi y como espectro en los pantanos de Dagobah.
Sheldon nuevamente en Dagobah con el profesor Proton.
Sheldon: The Comic-Con breakup’s easy to remember because Leonard was the saddest Pikachu.
Amy: Right, and he wiped his nose on your cape and then you were the saddest Darth Vader.
Sheldon: Where you are met with an honor guard of stormtroopers.
Amy: Do you think that might be jarring, going from wholesome pioneers to space Nazis?
Sheldon: I see what you’re saying. You’re thinking that you should arrive in a replica of Luke Skywalker’s landspeeder.
Sheldon: I know. I’m getting married. The new Star Wars movie’s coming out.
Sheldon: He tormented me my shole childhood. I don’t think I should reward that type of behavior with a slice of wedding cake in the shape of the Millenium Falcon.
Howard ha encontrado un perrito perdido y da aviso a su dueño. Su dueño va a su casa a buscarlo y resulta ser Mark Hamill. Finalmente es Hamill quien oficia la boda de Sheldon con Amy, lo que los vuelve a todos los invitados locos con la noticia y aprovechan el tiempo para preguntar cosas…
Howard: Guess who’s gonna officiate Sheldon and Amy’s wedding! Mark Hamill! Luke Skywalker is gonna be at the wedding!
Howard: Hey, everybody! Uh, it’s gonna be a few more minutes, but while we wait, does anyone have any questions about Star Wars?
Rajesh: So, yeah, Mr. Mark? When you were on the, uh, Wookie home planet, how did you even understand what they were saying?
Mark: I don’t rtemember ever being on a Wookie home planet.
Stuart: Uh, actually, Luke was on the Wookiee home planet, Kashyyyk, in the Holiday Special when he helped Chewie get home to his wife.
Mark: Chewie ha a wife?
Stuart: Her name’s Malla.
Sheldon’s brother: Hey, uh, I got a question. Why aren’t there tires on any of those Star Wars vehicles?
Mark: I’m sure some of them had tires.
Stuart: Actually, they don’t. I mean, the HAVw A5 turbo tank has metal grupping wheels, but I wouldn’t call them tires.
Sheldon se encuentra soñando y una vez aparece Arthur (Dr. Proton) como espíritu con las ropas de Obi Wan Kenobi. Eso si, esta vez se encuentran en una cafetería no en en el pantano, aunque siguen en Dagobah.
Sheldon: Now, I’m confused, usually when you appear to me in my dreams, we’re on the planet Dagobah.
Arthur (Dr. Proton): This is Dagobah.
Sheldon: I didn’t know that Dagobah had delicatessens.
Arthur: Not good ones.
Howard: Okay, how about this? You know in Star Wars when R2 and Chewbacca were playing holochess?
Amy: Really? Star Wars?
Sheldon: Amy, let the man speak.
Howard: Well, Chewbacca was losing and getting angry and…
Sheldon: Wait. Are you saying we should let the Wookiee win?
Howard: Hey, that’s my wife you’re talking about. But yes, let the Wookiee win.
Bernadette: Have you ever told Leonard a little white lie?
Penny: Mm. Well, he thinks I’ve seen every one of the Star Wars movies, but I’ve really only seen the one with the gold robot.
Bernadette: That could be any of them.
Penny: Exactly.
Sheldon: I was saving it for the day they stop making Star Wars movies. I don’t think that’s ever gonna happen.